We are always looking for people who are willing to help out at meetings, or even run a section. There are various different roles available depending on how much time you have to give and what sort of things you want to do.
Occasional Helper/Parent
Parents and family members are encouraged, where possible, to help out a section in some way. Some sections run rotas where support can be given once or twice a term by all the parents in the section. In addition, adults who have a specific skill or interest can also choose to run a particular activity or event one evening a term. Such skills are invaluable to the Group and can assist young people in gaining, or working towards, a particular badge.
Section Assistants
All our sections need helpers. Outdoor activities and nights away require a certain number of adults in relation to the number of young people. So by simply being there, Section Assistants could be enabling an extra 6 (in the case of Beavers), 8 (in the case of Cubs) or 12 (in the case of Scouts) young people to participate in Scouting. More importantly, Section Assistants provide invaluable support to Leaders and Assistant Leaders. Regularly attending meetings to collect subs (fees) or to make refreshments means that the Leaders have more time to deliver the programme to young people.
Every section (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers) has a Leader. The Leader has overall responsibility for the running of the section. This means planning and delivering the Programme with the help of assistant leaders and other helpers.
How do I join?
If you’d like to get involved with a section or want more information please contact our Group Scout Leader Pop (Colin)