Who are the Executive Committee?
The Exec consists of a Chairman, President, Secretary, Treasurer, Group Scout Leader, Section Leaders, and parents from each section. The Committee can also co-opt up to four members from interested parties. These may be from parents of Scouts who have left the Group but who are still interested in helping out or anyone with some expertise or interest to add to the Group.
Why do we have an Executive?
Well one answer would be that we have to! But apart from that the Exec members basically oversee the Scout Group. They make decisions about how the Group is run, what the money is being spent on, agree recommendations brought to them by the sub groups or the requests made by the uniform section. They also help out with fundraising sometimes, but this isn’t strictly what an Exec is about – but some members feel they can offer a bit more time and like to help out in this way.
How often do they meet?
Not that often. Once every two months from usually on a Monday evening.
How do I join?
Some people are nominated by the Group Scout Leader. He is always looking for volunteers! Others are elected at the Annual General Meeting in May of each year but if any parent is interested in joining at other times, they won’t be turned away. It is good to have parents from each section. If you’d like to join or want more information please contact our Group Scout Leader Pop (Colin)